Saturday, September 6, 2008

Wee-Peat Consignment Sale

Okay, it finally here. Amber will have her Wee-Peat Chilren's Consignment Sale this week. It will be open to the public from Thursday, Sept 11th until Saturday Sept 13th. The location will be 217 Bobby Jones Expressway (Next to One Hour Optical and South Lighting). For more information, please visit This is a nice consignment sale that she has semiannually. Hope to see you there.

1 comment:

Jodi Jo said...

Okay, so sometimes I think that I spend way too much time blogging, but every once in a while it will pay off. I found you from the Person's page (which I logged onto from the De La Loza page) Whew. And I said that I wouldn't be on long tonight! I was happy to find you a see what you guys are up to! Come find us on our blog and I will blog stalk you along with all the others that I don't have enough time to keep up with!!
Jodi Johanson